You saved me from years of failure and gave me a better life

And Many More...

Video Testimonials

Life changing Stories
Fix your psychology, and everything else will follow.

Candid Updates On Progress
Getting responses like this is why I do what I do.
Men are evolving under my tutelage, and it’s a beautiful thing to watch.
Men Are Here To Be Transformed

Lifechanging Stories
“Late in the year 2017 is when I first reached out to Pat concerning my 1.5-year relationship after an argument with my then-girlfriend. I had little concept of leading, being a man, all I had going for me were things I grew up with which kept me operating as a boy would, and manosphere blogs I read. Truth be told, I wasn’t ready for what Pat told me on our first call that day, 3 hours of talking that would in reality take me until now to appreciate. My journey had shifted tremendously, and I got gradually better but it wasn’t enough for my relationship then, which I ultimately had to cut off in the last month of 2019 after a proposal (yes, proposal). I began to align myself with value and self-respect and though it was hard because of how I grew to view relationships and myself, I’m glad Pat was there to help me out but remind me that I was worthy of love, something I doubted was true. He helped me see my value and with that gave me the tools I needed to navigate life and women. Pat has always had a peculiar knack for timing, for I had changed careers and had a long journey ahead of me in one aspect of life and Pat allowed me to have lagging parts of myself to catch up with this new adventure and pushed me to go all in. Lo’ and behold, I am now in a new relationship that is filled with affection, where respect is a priority, and where we both motivate each other to be our best versions of ourselves. I am confident it will get better from here and the future is exciting. Pat thank you, if anyone’s gonna change the world it’s gonna be you cause you’ve changed mine. I’ve got nothing but love for you brother.”