Yesterday we talked about when and how your girl will “jump ship.”
Today we’ll talk about how to make sure that essentially will never happen.
Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine.
He’s a decent looking guy, in shape, has great game… and at the time had a successful, but still early stage business in “the industry” (dating / attraction).
This guy was dating a model and actress, who was pretty much inundated with approaches from guys who were far, far more above my friend’s league.
Now, my friend was certainly able to go toe-to-toe with these guys in classic game… and even though he was outclassed by their status, he could keep from looking like a rube around them.
But there was something else that set him apart.
He psychologically understood his girlfriend, and could relate to her on a level the other guys could not.
It didn’t matter that these men were ENORMOUSLY wealthy and powerful, and he was a shrimp to them.
His girlfriend didn’t waver for a second, because she had a deep connection with him, and the competition was trying to poach her with superficial rather than deep gestures.
It’s the #2 way of inoculating your girl against competition like we talked about yesterday.
Psychological game.
Most don’t use it, and even less use it against the most attractive women.
Which gives you an enormous advantage… even when other guys are pursuing her constantly.
Understand, it doesn’t matter if you’re attractive, charming — at a certain level these surface things are fungible. What isn’t fungible is the relationship with her mind.
So unless they can speak to her baggage, the things she tries to hide… unless they can make her feel understood (from a place of confidence)… unless they can bring out the real her… they aren’t going to get anywhere with her.
Which is why you might consider working with yours truly.
Psychological game isn’t about plug-and-play techniques.
It’s not triggering her “primal” motivations (yawn).
It’s about understanding how people think.
What people need.
This isn’t an easy skill to learn on your own.
It takes a lot of insight, studying, and pain.
I can save you the trouble.
Everything I’ve learned over intense studying this past decade — about subcommunication, behavioral patterns (and what they say about someone), baggage, defense mechanisms… all this will be yours, as my acolyte.
Apply here:
– Pat