Today’s email is straight up tactical info for you. But I have to say it might be one of the most important ones I’ve mentioned in awhile.

First — to address the title.

There’s some debate over whether or not it’s best to text or call a girl.

Texting — especially if done right — affords you a lot of tactical advantage. You have time to consider the dynamic and make sure you say exactly the right thing at the right time.

(Hint: Smart guys get Tackling Texting, because it costs $5 and teaches you all of that)

Others however swear by calling. It’s an “old school” approach that was to some extent brought back by COVID, and the rise of “facetime dates”. Calling involves more risk — it’s more intense, and can scare some girls away… plus you’ve got to do well on the call, otherwise her impression of you might sink the interaction. But, unlike texting, it allows you to stand out and make an impact with your energy.

My perspective on these two approaches is that they both have their place, and that beginners should focus more on texting, while those moving into intermediate range might want to add the occasional 5-10 min call in with a girl and see how it converts.

But it turns out there’s a third way. A way that adds the benefits of texting and the benefits of calling together… with practically no risk involved.

What is it I’m speaking of?

Voice notes.

Truth is, I was skeptical about voice notes at first. I’m good at texting, and didn’t want to fix something that wasn’t broken. Moreover, I didn’t like them in principle — call me a curmudgeon, but its existence felt to me like a clear indication people are getting stupider — first autocorrect, now you’re too dumb and lazy to write at all?

And yet, we all have moments where we are pushed to evolve. For me it was having to take care of business while carrying my baby around on walks. It was difficult to text… and I found I could respond to clients, contractors, and comrades easily by sending brief voice notes. And they loved them.

So I considered how this would work in dating… had some clients try it… and the results have been nothing short of INCREDIBLE.

With voice notes you can add all of the casual energy you want to the recipient while also having the advantage of a) communicating more information than text and b) only using the voice notes that represent you best.

For instance, a 1 minute voice note doesn’t feel like much but you can say and show a TON in them. An equivalent text would feel like word vomit.

And yet, it avoids the awkwardness or meandering that could occur on the phone, or the negative sub communication of a voicemail where you’re “trying to reach her” and have to settle for a message in her mailbox.

In short they are incredible and I highly recommend guys integrate them into their “game.”

(Yes, even those of you in relationships — they’re a great way to add spice when you and your girl are apart)

The only caveat to the above?

As with everything, DON’T OVERDO IT.

You want to still send texts, pics, videos… and yes, occasionally call. But adding voice notes into the mix will MASSIVELY improve your ability to get girls on dates — its impact is on par with the addition of images and videos to texting.


Go do it, and let me know how it works out for you.

And if you want to learn some more attraction-creating tactics?

Well… Module 3 of my masterclass has 3 hours of them. For perspective of how much material that is, it would take me less than 5 minutes to go over this email in depth.

And that’s just 15% of the course.

Purchase the encyclopedia here:

– Pat

PS – The masterclass is deducted from coaching. So if you want to dip your toes into what I’m about before getting the full experience, it’s a great step.