A thread “To My Future Girlfriend” went around a week or so back, which I bookmarked to talk about:

The thread actual goes on, but you get the picture.

At first blush it looks pretty cheesy — you might say as “blue pill” as content comes.

This guy is talking about all the different ways he’s going to spoil his girl, treat her right, pamper her.

Internet alphas HATE this type of commentary. They consider it weak and unbecoming of a man.

Which I totally get.

But what they’re missing here is CONTEXT.

Some fat loser dork makes a thread like that, and women are going to run for the hills. He’ll be lucky if a few women take pity on him and give him the usual handout: “you’re such a great guy, some girl will be lucky to have you! (just not me)”

But this guy is quite different.

Attractive and fit guy with a BIG social media following.


You think women aren’t going to swoon when they see this?

I keep harping on this, but the attraction community still hasn’t internalized it.

Preselection and Persona exist in a BALANCE with each other. If your preselection is high, your persona needs to adjust to it.

The reason why the “red pill” is so revolutionary for so many guys is that their preselection is shit, and the advice on how to treat women from polished and promoted “dating experts” is USELESS.

I’ve noticed this even among experts I respect. They do not understand the game that works for them — 10% bodyfat multimillionaries — does NOT work for regular guys.

These guys already have the desire locked-in from the outset, so cultivating a fantasy of COMFORT is the most powerful way to amplify attraction and seduce women.

My guess is this guy has women EVERY DAY who DM him in either direct or indirect attempts to be his girlfriend. And I’m sure he extracts his pound of pussy in the process.

But for guys who do not have desire yet, they need a PATTERN INTERRUPT.

They need to be a bit of a dick — they need to neg the girl. They need to break her impression of him as a comfortable “nice guy.” Only once she starts to think “this guy is a cocky asshole” can he start to sprinkle back in some kindness… which get’s her even more confused about who he is.

This contrast and toying with expectations is the essence of game.

But of course, within that essence are all sorts of details.

Details that tell you exactly how to proceed in situation after situation.

Tough to learn on your own. Even tougher to apply them correctly.

Which is why if you want to get good at this stuff, fast

You should work with me.

Because there ain’t too many others around who understand both the deep and shallow of attraction.

(Yes, the formula changes not just in different dating contexts, but based on whether you’re dating or in a relationship)

You can apply here: www.patstedman.com/application

– Pat