One of the easiest ways to weed out the dummies (or at least inexperienced amateurs) in the dating community is to what extent they fixate on getting 9s and 10s as their “ultimate goal” when it comes to women.

This may seem counterintuitive at first glance. But there are a couple of reasons.

First, obsession with getting the “hottest” girls is NEVER because the guy simply has “high standards.” It’s a validation issue — he wants the hottest girls because having the hottest girls inflates his sense of self. And since for a long time he sucked with women… “collecting” beauties is believed necessary to assuage is fragile sense of self.

(This is made obvious to the extent he will “show off” these women. Whenever a guy feels the need to flaunt the girl he got, you can rest assured this is a place of insecurity and he cares a lot about what other guys think of him.)

Second, because getting a very hot girl exposes you to a lot more tests and drama, as these women are in demand by other elite men. The hypergamy on such women is “supercharged” — your room for error is much less. Which is a hassle many men prefer not to expend energy towards.

That said, this is much less of a key reason, because if you have your life and your game together, and you understand women, then this shouldn’t bother you. Women only leave men who ignore / abuse them or lose their self-confidence.

But #3 is quite a different story.

Because the real reason the hottest women are overrated, is because 9/10 9s and 10s have VERY little to offer a guy besides for her looks.

And the reason for this, my friends, is very simple.

Women who are elite in their looks receive so much because of their looks that they begin to become dependent on them. They do not develop an interesting personality. They don’t learn how to hold conversations. Aside from “hot girl” hobbies that augment their looks like fashion, they don’t learn any skills.

Very often, they don’t even learn how to be good in bed.

They are passive zombies that expect men to provide and tolerate them simply for existing.

And because they are so hot, they are rarely disappointed with this expectation.

Now, does that mean there is nothing else there?

No. Many of these hot girls almost certainly have more depth to them. And in some ways, are easier to seduce because if you target this undeveloped sense of self and encourage its growth, you stand out BIG TIME from all the other rubes who are only there to objectify and use her.

But, you are still going to be fighting uphill against the entitled part of her that has been encouraged her whole life.

All this said…

My point is not to discourage you from going after the hottest girls. You do you brother.

Rather, my interest is to for you to stop looking at the issue so one-dimensionally.

A woman’s looks should be considered a threshold issue.

She needs to be hot enough for you to be physically attracted to her. To want her, viscerally.

But once that point is reached, other traits — like intelligence, values, femininity, sexual compatibility, and personality should come into priority.

Any additional aesthetics are great, but unnecessary.

(Which is why it is common lore that “7s and 8s” make the best long-term partners, generally. Because they are attractive but have developed other parts of themselves.)

Anyway, I know looks can be bewitching to men. Far too many are blind to a woman’s red flags because of them.

Which is one of the many reasons you may want to work with me.

Because I not only show you how to attract and keep women… but I help protect you from the most dangerous thing in dating and relationships:


Apply here:

– Pat