March 2019

Why Women Aren’t Sold On You

If you recall, I mentioned an ironic little phenomenon awhile back. That the guys who were already doing alright with women were the ones most willing to invest in themselves for coaching… compared to the ones that were struggling the most. Very interesting, no? But the rabbit hole in fact goes even deeper my friend. Yes…

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Are You “Too Heavy”?

Gonna cut to the chase today, since you got a big dump of content in your inbox yesterday. So while I’m big on studying tactics, crafting dating strategies, and going deep into guys’ limiting beliefs… One of the things that really fascinates me (because it’s so frickin’ relevant) is energy. Because while you can get all

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Why Women Abuse Men They Love

Now, if you’ve been following along, you know by now I’m not one of those “red pill” guys who is constantly going off about modern women. And unlike many, I’m not anti-marriage. But as I’ve propped myself more and more into the “serious relationship” space… and observed the long-term marriages of many close to me…

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A Shocking Story of Betrayal

So I received the following story from a client the other day. Truth be told, it was one of the first “dating stories” that made me really “think” in a long time. What happened: My client was in a group, chatting up a girl, who had been pretty interested in him throughout the night. (He

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