Two days ago we had Part 1.

And in that email we talked about some tactical aspects to help you discern which women are going to be worthy of your (presumably extra masculine, alpha) presence.

But what I DIDN’T talk about was the macro.

And of course… this is just as important.

So I’ll just cut to the chase.

There are two criteria that you just can’t compromise on with a woman EVER.

The first: she HAS to be attractive to YOU.

Look, I’m not going to tell you what she has to look like. She DOESN’T have to be a model or anything like that.

What I mean is… she has to turn your on in some way.

Dumb ideological people who hate their lives will tell you that you “have to” start dating women you’re not attracted to.

That this is misogyny (lol)

This is just stupid insecure chatter… because I can assure you that if you end up with a girl you DON’T find attractive, you WILL treat her poorly.

Because you will resent being “stuck” with her, and you will treat her as undeserving.

Don’t ever do this to a woman.

It’s cruel and will devastate their self-esteem.

In fact, no one talks about “this” side when it comes to settling… but I can tell you straight up the worst part about settling is you don’t just make yourself miserable, you make her miserable too.

So don’t do it.

It doesn’t make you a good person, it makes you a weak jackass.

Moving on…

Aspect #2 on choosing a woman doesn’t get much press.

Because unlike #1, it’s not tied directly to how sexually attracted we are to a woman.

But it’s key if you’re going to have any long term success with her.

And be able to survive once times get “tough.”

Look: it’s something we don’t want to admit this day and age.

Something that doesn’t jive with our romantic inclinations.

But if you don’t have the same values, vision, or views… the relationship isn’t gonna survive.

Ain’t nothing else to be said about it.

Life gets tough at times.

The honeymoon phase ends.

People get old.

You’ll be less “attracted” to your partner.

What gets you through all of this, and makes you come out of it stronger, is knowing you’re on the same path.

Understand gentlemen:

The difference between a lover and a partner is that you share emotions and bodies with a lover.

But you share your future with a partner.

It’s not just about passion… though obviously that matters.

It’s about destiny.

Building some real shit your kids will look up to.

Anyway, most find such women very hard to find this day and age.

I know many of you are jaded.

Oh well.

If you don’t expect to find gold, you won’t stumble upon it even if its beneath your feet.

There are plenty of high quality women out there… so long as you know where to look.

Women who you can trust and depend on.

If you want to know how to find and attract them…

Go here:

– Pat