One thing I (and increasingly more) of the denizens of Twitter find hilarious is how much people in the red pill world obsess about who is Alpha and who is Beta.

Part of this is funny because it’s just a stupid conversation.

To use the jargon, guys who are extremely dominant and “run” the household have “Beta” characteristics. They are providers. (ENTJs are particularly suited for this type of relationship. They’re patriarchs, and patriarchs take care of their brood.)

Yes, yes some of these types have gotten an exception in the lexicon as “alpha providers” so as to not alienate the married folk who lurk (remember: everyone gets an alpha trophy).

But most of what is considered “alpha behavior” is banging girls without commitment.

Cool, I guess.

Just seems kind of retarded to call actions that were generally suppressed by the guys who actually ran society as “alpha.” Most men past adolescence considered it parasitic behavior, and would kill you for engaging in with their women (wives, sisters, daughters).

Consequently the genetic imprint of such men was almost always very small (absent war — rape is not exactly “game”). Occasionally one might cuckold a powerful man without getting the axe himself, in which case — congratulations. Your child will have a good life (so long as you never meet him).

More often though he’d knock up a young girl who he would be forced to marry — a dynamic destined for misery — or he’d disappear… leaving his only progeny to certain destitution.

And yet perhaps these guys were Alpha in a sense, because they were risking life and limb for the lay.

But not so with your modern alpha “playboy.”

Giving an undersexed career woman a few negs and sharing some interesting (albeit routinized) stories in order to choke-fuck her later that night might be fun, and might even be difficult. But it’s not dangerous.

And it was hardly the stuff “kings” — were they to do it — ever considered remotely important in their lives.

So let’s talk about what exactly is “alpha.” Because most of what I hear as “alpha” behavior is just “things that trigger sexual desire in a woman.”

And perhaps that’s all that’s meant by it — in which case, apologies.

But I think it’s instructive for guys to understand what really separates the crux of attraction from those affecting a veneer.

Because the truth about game is, for most guys who practice it, it yields only temporary results.

You can sleep with a girl, maybe even a couple of times, but you can’t commit to her because once you commit all the excitement and desire disappears.

There are a couple of reasons for this, most of them the usual ones — there’s no more chase for her, she’s got access to the status and assets, etc.

All true.

But there’s something deeper to it.


Perhaps you’ve heard of the term, “succubus.” It’s a label generally used for women who suck the life out of men.

But I think another way to look at it, is that this “life” is also the source of what makes these men “alpha.”

And “betaization” is really little more than said life force — vitality, if you will — getting drained out of a man.

I know this because I can sense in myself different ways that I show up in my relationship, based on the level of vitality I possess.

When I am “on my game” — oriented entirely towards my mission, grounded in the moment yet excited about future possibilities — I am irresistibly attractive.

Women can sense something in my spirit that makes them want to be around me, and drain it out of me.

Bronze Age Pervert discusses this phenomenon at length in his book, Bronze Age Mindset. Which if you’re someone is open to extremely edgy and esoteric texts, I recommend.

But when I read these observations of his, it was an immediate “aha” — crystalizing things I had been considering for the past year.

“Alpha” is life force.

“Alpha” men have a focus and energy to them that women sense viscerally and go out of their way to “drain”… both spiritually, and physically.

This is why you see men who are more artistic and freewheeling attracting women, as well as men who are more direct and domineering.

Each of these men are following some deeper source of energy… some mystery… they are grounded in the source life, and women want that source for themselves.

Betas, in contrast, are always going through the motions.

It doesn’t matter if they’ve got a big house or aren’t “nice guys.” If they lack this vitality, women lose their drive for such men.

And the reason such men lose this vitality?

Very often, women distract them and suck it out of them.

Read any book on manifesting the future and you’ll read about the importance of preserving your essence. This doesn’t mean there is no time or place for sex, but it means that there is only so much of it you can offer to women before they begin to become parasitic. Families are a compromise in a certain sense, but it is why your wife must really remain your mistress compared to your mission if you have any hopes of continuing the passion. And your wife must understand and respect that your life force cannot be contained.

Women who attempt to trap such wells for themselves inevitably cause them to run dry.

So I caution men to not lose the forest through the trees. It’s not about game, it’s not about sleeping with a girl fast that makes a guy truly desirable.

It’s the power within a man, when he learns to express it and live by it unabashedly that leads to a natural, visceral sense of desire in women. It is this sense that makes women want men. Women are talent scouts for vitality, because they are designed to bear life.

(This is why certain dynamics, archetypal as the examples may be, are so important. For instance in Vikings, Ragnar Lothbrok, and his second wife Aslaug. She seduces him because she herself is of godly lineage and needs his vitality.)

Anyway don’t want to get too esoteric here.

But I want you to understand that this spark is within all of you.

It’s just covered up — by years of conditioning, trauma, and dissonance.

And so long as it exists you won’t be able to fully align with this energy.

You won’t be alpha.

(Which means anxiety and “starfish” sex… when you get it.)

To be desirable you have to not only understand what women desire.You have to become it.

Which is where I come in.I will take all the bullshit in your mind that is causing hesitation, insecurity, uncertainty… and show you where it is coming from and release it.

I’ll make it so that your mind starts to heal, and you can feel that confident fire that attracts women effortlessly… and sets you towards your destiny.

Sign up here:

– Pat