I hate singling out any type for criticism, as there are always exceptions, and it can lead people to unjustly reject compatible people based on type.

But there’s one thing I’ve noticed that is so universal it’s tough to ignore.

So common.

So predictable.

I just need to say it.

Beware of ESFJs.

Now, being honest some of you will probably get along well with ESFJs. Some types naturally work together than others.

Moreover, ESFJs are extremely common — they make up 15-20% of all women.

But ESFJs are also dangerous.

Because ESFJs are the ultimate “social followers”

They do whatever is in fashion.

Whatever everybody is “supposed” to do.

Which means in the modern era, an overwhelming majority act like thots.

“Omg, the cool girl on this show acts this way? I should act this way!”

Understand, ESFJs are not inherently bad, but their need for social approval and lack of self-assessment is so severe that they won’t change until the rest of culture changes.

They are an accurate reflection of what values are in control.

(Though not in ascendance. For those, look to the intuitives.)


Type is a big thing in understanding women and how they will behave.

And also a big thing in helping you to understand yourself

.If you want help integrating such ideas into your romantic world, go here: www.patstedman.com/application– Pat

PS Want to make it clear: many ESFJs who are in strong subcultures will reflect those subcultures. So it’s not necessarily the overarching culture that will dominate all of them, but whatever culture has the most sway over them. You still have to be careful though because if a bad culture gains sway over them, it will rebound on your relationship