Going to keep this one short and sweet.

I have just landed in Lyon and have one day in the city before I explore the countryside of the Rhone, Jura mountains, and Provence. So I want to make the most of it.

But before I go flaneur, I must admit to being moved by a great passion right now.

A passion I think may be relevant for you.

When I was leaving New York City, I was confronted with a feeling of visceral disgust.

The people in Manhattan are beautiful, and there is an aggressive, imperious virility to the aesthetic of the city. But this is only the veneer… New York is fundamentally a metropolis running on invisible slave labor from the outer boroughs and burbs — an ugly world rarely noticed by those in the center.

But I “saw” it (this has a deeper significance) on the drive over there, and most importantly in the airport itself.

And it shocked me.

Please take these words to the extent that you can without meanness. What I am saying comes from a place of empathy and concern. But I must be blunt.

There are a multitude of people in our country that are absolutely hideous. Not even a small amount. An enormous number — and a number that in my mind appears to be growing.

Something very terrible has happened — something I have “known” but never really internalized until now.

Our beauty has been stolen from us.

Cheap, useless “concerned” individuals may cry out in rage at this statement, but something is wrong. I travel constantly. I see what other places look like, poorer places… we are a poisoned people, our genome has rotted.

And I believe it’s affected our confidence.

Perhaps I will talk about this another time. But for now… I want to make something clear…

If you’re not already… you need to get in shape.

In fact… if you are in terrible shape, way overweight, and don’t take care of yourself… and struggle with women… I don’t want to work with you.

Not YET at least.

I’m sure we’d be a good fit. And I know you’d benefit from what we would explore.

But you just can’t put the cart before the horse.

Spend that money on a personal trainer instead.

I know… no dating coach wants to tell you this — whole sales letters have even been built on the opposite premise. (“Fat unemployed 40 year old who lives with his mom does one weird trick to get threesomes with models!”)

But the truth is looks don’t matter a little.

They matter A LOT. They might even be the most important thing.

I’m not saying you have to be a model, but it’s not something you can neglect.

If it’s not an advantage, no big deal, but don’t allow disadvantages if they’re in your control.

Cause while it may be a cliche, it’s true:

The better you look, the better people treat you. And a bit of leeway is especially important when you’re learning to understand the behavior of women.

Anyway, the jet lag’s kicking in. Don’t take this email personally if it hurt. Treat it as a wakeup call.

Trust me, I am speaking to myself even as I speak to you.

I’ve fallen a bit off the wagon, and am determined to do better.

Most of us have a capacity for handsomeness much greater than we are willing to admit.

It’s mostly in our control…

– Pat

PS If you’re in decent shape but you still don’t have the dating life you want, you are an EXCELLENT candidate to work with me. We will move mountains, I promise. Sign up here: www.patstedman.com/application