Yesterday we talked about Poor King Harald from the series Vikings.

And today we’re going to talk about him again.Because Poor King Harald (such a catchy phrase) is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to women.

Exhibit B:

Harald, after “moving on” from his disloyal love interest, kidnaps another girl: the concubine-protectress of his (female) rival for the throne.

Now, there are many women out there who Poor King Harald could have gone for.

Women who would be grateful even for a romantic schlub such as himself.

Instead, he chooses a woman who is not emotionally bound to him and *guaranteed* to betray him.

And indeed — she does.

(Brings a new interpretation to the Viking tradition of “digging up gold” for Valhalla)

She not only gives his rival warning of an impending attack, but gets… shared… by a group of fishermen to make it happen.

Now, don’t get me wrong — she DIDN’T enjoy this.

It was actually a really disturbing scene.

And maybe I’m being too harsh… after all, people are complex. Sometimes you even got the impression she cared for Poor King Harald.

But the point remains.

Harald sucks at picking women… because he is so desperate to believe a woman loves him, he blinds himself to all signs.

Burn this in your head if you have to.

If you feel a desperation towards women — if you need validation from them — you have a MASSIVE blindspot when it comes to screening.

Girl game is going to work like magic on you.

And if you’ve got something tangible to offer a woman (like social approval or money), a woman will fleece you for it.

Anyway, traps like this abound in the romantic world.

Work with me if you want help to avoid them:

– Pat