I just finished “Vikings” series.

(Or at least, what’s out so far)

***I won’t try to give too many spoilers… but if you’re not yet through season 4, you might want to close the email now.***

There’s a character in the show called Harald.

When you first meet Harald, he’s an ambitious Earl, on his way to be King of Norway.

Now, you might think “sure that makes sense, I’d want to be king too.”

But being King ain’t fun my friends.

You’ve got LOTS of responsibilities, and counterintuitive as it might seem, you can’t really pursue what you want.

(The best position from the perspective of freedom is to be friends with powerful people, not to necessarily be powerful — but I digress)

Plus, the road to the top is paved with heads.

Lot of people die trying to become king.

So why the ambition?

Simple, really.

A woman said she’d marry him if he became King.

Poor Harald. You don’t need me to tell you “spoiler alert” to know what happened next.

Dude gets almost to the top of the ladder when he meets this girl again.

And lo and behold… she married some bum low-level Earl in the meantime.

Harald just can’t understand.

“But you told me you’d marry me if I became King!”

(Imagine saying this to a woman you saw once and hadn’t talked to in years. This is the definition of a fantasy-land pedestal.)

Anyway, it’s a reminder that the most powerful, violent men can be huge pussies when it comes to women.

And that relative paupers (like said earl) often steal away the “choice cuts” of female… despite their disadvantaged position.

So next time some dumb whiny incel spouts off about women only liking guys who are rich, smack him over the noggin for me.

Wealth and power are preselection… and they get a girl’s attention.

They are the MARKETING.

But they are no replacement for Personality.

(The Product)

And if you want to develop that?

Sadly, deep work on your frame is delicate and difficult, so not many people can help you.

Except yours truly.

Sign up to work with me here: www.patstedman.com/application

– Pat