Dread Game, especially dread game focused on Persona, might be the most controversial piece of advice in TRP canon.

For the uninitiated, Dread Game is effectively raising your “sexual market value” and then putting yourself on the market, or at least giving the impression of that possibility to the woman in your life. It’s basically letting your woman see how attractive you are to other women and making her respond accordingly with more investment.

Dread Game operates across each pillar of attraction; in Preselection you raise your looks / status, Person your game / flirtatiousness with other women, Personality your confidence and self-control.

Generally speaking however, when we speak about “Dread” we really mean it in the Persona pillar — since that is where it is most active, and most complicated. Its’ where normal, ethical guys really start to feel like they are crossing some lines.

How can it be a good thing to flirt with other women in front of your girlfriend?

Well, obviously this depends on trust, her background trauma, etc…

But it also depends on her Personality.

Specifically, her feeling and intuition.

Indeed, I hypothesize that Extraverted Feelers and Sensors are far more susceptible to dread game than Introverted Feelers and Intuitives.

The reason being, extraverted feelers and sensors care A LOT about what the crowd thinks of them.

They are “status conscious” so to speak.

And so if their guy is off chatting to other women?

They are far more likely to be jealous / anxious, and to adapt behavior accordingly.

Introverted Feelers and intuitives are far more complicated. Some might respond indifferently, others extremely negatively, depending on their own value systems.

(I believe introverted feelers and intuitives make up a significant portion of both successful polyamorous types, as well as devoted monogamous romantics, so take that as you will)

The point is that the pressures are deeper. If there is a problem with attraction, dread game is not going to get to the heart of the issue… and the risks of miscalibration are higher.

So what to do?

Well, learn what to do given the context of personality and situation. 
And part of doing that effectively requires psychological typing.

While I’m not a savant like some people, I’m pretty good, and in the context of dating and relationships it’s become a powerful tool in my arsenal… and one I can wield in your favor.

Know how to read a woman’s type and you’ll know exactly where her strengths and weaknesses are; how she will respond to certain behavior.

It’s hard to find something more useful in attraction.

If you’re interested sign up here: www.patstedman.com/application

Knowledge is, as they say, power…

– Pat

PS Most women are extraverted feelers and sensors. You’ll find it’s things like this that make it so easy to generalize…